Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hello everyone!!! It's been a while since I've written a blog so I thought I'd update you all! Maddie's been potty training, although, she has her days! I didn't think it would be this difficult but it is! Everyone says she'll go when she's ready so I just have to chill out and try to encourage her anyway! She did great for about a week, but now it's MAYBE once a day.
Also, I GOT A JOB!!! I'm going to be teaching 2 year olds at First Baptist Church Christian Preschool! I'm really excited and nervous at the same time, but I know it will be good for me to get back out there in the working world again! I need some adult interaction in my life! It's a PRESCHOOL, not a daycare. The children only attend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 9 - 1. I have 10 children on my roll but only 8 will come at a time, because not all of the children come all three days. The best part is I only have 8 children and I will ALWAYS have an assistant!!! It's totally different than anything I've done in the past. I worked at Pace for 7 years but this is sooo different. I had to attend some serious curriculum training this weekend and let me just tell you all, it was TOUGH! I cried on my way home on the first day of training, and then again on my second day during lunch break! I know I'm going to do fine once I actually get in there and have my routine. Maddie gets to go also! She's SUPER excited about going to school! She can't wait! I drove her by her new school the other day and she was mad because we didn't go inside! :) She will get to meet her teacher on Tuesday, the 19th and school starts on the 20th!
I can't believe it but Maddie is going to be 3 years old on the 2nd! It's AMAZING how fast they grow up! I miss my little SWEET Maddie! The older she gets the more mean she gets! They say "Terrible Twos", but I'm pretty sure it's the "Terrible Threes"! I love her to death but the other day, Kaitlyn was in her bouncy chair in the living room while Maddie was watching tv and I was trying to cook dinner. Kaitlyn was crying and Maddie got mad because she couldn't hear the tv so she flipped the chair over. I heard Kaitlyn screaming so I poked my head around the corner only to find her laying on the living room floor and Maddie RUNNING to her room! WHAT A MEANY!

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